February Phone Wallpaper

How to Download Your February Phone Wallpaper:
Save the Wallpaper
- On a phone: Tap and hold the image below, then select “Save Image” or “Download Image.”
- On a computer: Right-click the image and select “Save As.”
Set as Your Wallpaper
- iPhone:
- Go to the Photos app, open the saved image, and tap the share button.
- Select “Use as Wallpaper” and adjust the position if needed.
- Tap “Set” and choose Lock Screen, Home Screen, or both.
- Android:
- Open the image in your gallery app.
- Tap the menu (three dots) and select “Set as Wallpaper.”
- Adjust and confirm your settings.

Use this image ^^ and follow the instructions above – honestly it’s easy and fun!
Enjoy beauty, and remember – self-love is hard but so worth it!
love Kuhla x