October news from Handmade Dorset

The nights are drawing in little by little and here at Handmade Dorset HQ we are beginning to think about the upcoming seasonal celebrations – and we’re not surprised that you are too.
Sales of Christmas cards have been steadily increasing this week – you really are an organised bunch!
Here’s a few of your favourites..
Auntie & Uncle Daughter Brother & Sister-in-law Personalised Niece Mum & Step-Dad Dad

Subscribers this week got a first time peek at our newest project – a brand new vlog!
Have you ever been curious about the behind the scenes of a small business? Wanted to learn about making stickers or listing on Etsy? Or just wanted the inside info on new products and maybe a bit of personal stuff too?
Then please hop on over and subscribe!
Until next time #staysafe #bekind and take care of your lovely self!