What a hot week it’s been for the end of September – I can’t believe the sun is still shining so brightly. Many of you will have been involved with the wonderful #climatestrike action happening globally yesterday, what a powerful, peaceful message! I pray that change is happening and we will move towards a more loving and sustainable way of living. I’m proud I’ve taken steps over the last year to make my business more sustainable, currently it means my profit margin is tiny – but – if recycled becomes the new norm costs might come down, and / or consumers will be willing to pay a little more for the privilege and peace of mind of caring for the environment.
What’s new?

It’s been raining cats and dogs in the Etsy shop – even if it’s not outside ha ha! Are you a cat or a dog person? I loved making these and am excited to offer stickers available too!
I’m considering making cards with penguins, budgies, toucans and flamingos – let me know if you fancy any of them!
In the meantime have a wonderful fall into fall friends x