5 inexpensive ways to say I love you

We never need an excuse to tell someone we love them – but, if we did, Valentine’s is perfect!
Here’s 5 really affordable ways to show you care.

1. Love notes
A handwritten note is incurably romantic, leave them on pillows, next to the kettle, slipped into briefcases or stuck to the bathroom mirror. They can be silly, reminiscent, sentimental or saucy, on post-its, napkins, or fancy paper – just make sure the message will lift the recipient, making their heart warm and bringing a smile to their face.
(p.s. notes don’t have to be for your significant other, a personal favourite of mine is to write messages of self care: you are loved, you’re beautiful, you matter.. and pop them into books at the library or book shop.)

2. Food
Nothing says I love you like a home cooked meal! It doesn’t have to be fancy or cooked from scratch, just prepared with a focus on what your guest enjoys.
Choose something simple that you can prepare with little stress – even a fab hot chocolate, served with care – in a favourite cup, will be a welcome, loving gesture. (It wouldn’t hurt to cut a few strawberries into little heart shapes too.)

3. Listen
Listening is a REALLY BIG DEAL. We forget to listen. Oftentimes we’re so excited to share, or we’re so keen to put our view across, that we don’t truly listen.
Making time to sit and talk – and listen! – is a vital ingredient in any healthy relationship, be that with your spouse, your children or your colleagues. Pop the kettle on and sit down for a chat. Paying attention to the other person, giving them space, and listening deeply is such a loving gift.

4. Movie night
What’s nicer than a cosy night in, cuddled on the sofa, lights low, popcorn (and wine?) in hand watching your fave film? Cinema tickets can be expensive, so make your own cinema experience.
Turn your phones off, have the kids sleepover elsewhere and get the hankies ready – any film worth it’s salt makes you cry right?! Do whatever it takes to make a few hours about just the two of you, enjoy holding hands, delight in your shared warmth and comfort, switch off from the World and just be you two.

5. Give a beautiful card
Sometimes words are really hard to find, here’s where our cute cards come in! I’ve always loved stationary and have kept special cards from special people for years.
Seeing love right there, written in black and white, is a treasure to keep and re-read over again, long after the flowers have wilted.
A thoughtful card is a lovely way to say I love you.